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Well, Saban Is At It Again..



  • well Saban knows the site as power ranger planet. What i was saying was he should try giving the site a new name and stuff like that see if it helps?
  • I am also willing to help any way that I can with the whole issue regarding Saban. I will also try to create a website that Saban doesn't know about and let everyone know about the website once I can create it and have all of the features that this website has.
  • I am also willing to help any way that I can with the whole issue regarding Saban. I will also try to create a website that Saban doesn't know about and let everyone know about the website once I can create it and have all of the features that this website has.
    Well, that's not very nice. You're basically going to tell everyone to ditch this site, and go to yours lol
  • Sorry I havent been back in a while. I have been busy with other matters. I was just having a talk with my friends today because they were asking me how have things been with the forum and I told them not good because saban is taking down links. They agree with me that it is not fair. And we came up with a lot of good suggestions. They are willing to help in any way they can because all me and my friends do everyday is talk about power rangers. And as to how I can help I can upload them again.
    Glad to see you back. Just give me a few days, i'm trying to decide what I want to do exactly. Maybe i'll only post links on the forums until things cool down, and let Saban release their dvd's. Either way, i'd appreciate the help, once I get everything figured out. Thanks!
  • @darkvincentes You sound like the kind of person I should hang out with. I can never talk about Superheroes with anyone.
  • It would be awesome to have someone to share the passion and love for PR. You are one lucky guy @darkvincentes.
  • @PowerRangerPlanet, it was only an idea that I thought might work, but I can see that it won't work at all. I can still try to upload all of my episodes and other related material to this website if that would be a better solution to the whole Saban problem at all. I am only trying to come up with different solutions to the whole Saban problem, but I don't want anyone mad at me at all for any of the ideas that I come up with in order to solve the whole Saban problem.
  • Sorry for the bump, but I thought those people that wanted to sue Saban to look at this:

    To summarize, a (believed to be Indian) woman uploaded a/some episodes of Super Samurai to YouTube. When Saban found out, they gave her a notice, then took the video down. Needless to say, she went back crap crazy, like much of this thread :P, and filed a counter-notice. To quote,

    “This video is my private Property n u cn see hw many views i get on this video people are requesting me to upload more of this video, so please get clear who the hell is jealous of my video and trying to removie it frm YouTube.

    I swear, under penalty of perjury, that I have a good faith belief the material was removed due to a mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled...”

    My Private Property - Strike 1
    Upload more - Strike 2
    Penalty of Perjury - WTF? Strike 3.

    Glad we didn't sue now @vgiannell5 ?
  • I can't really blame them. While it's a shame and very disappointing that they're taking down videos of episodes, it is understandable considering the release of the various DVDs.

    However that Indian woman wasn't very smart due to her claiming that Power Rangers is her own property.

    @SabanPRclips what's with the link to a Kamen Rider Fourze thing? Are you saying Saban is also filing copyright notices on that show as well for illegal episodes?
  • Lol, claiming power rangers clips on youtube as your own is pathetic. Not mention the way she worded that post made me think she was an idiot and had what was coming to her.
  • hey does saban go after music vids using their clips as well or just the episodes?
  • OFFTOPIC: PRP is thinking about shutting this and SSC, according to Tokusatsu-Avenue

    "(Jamie Abbott) We are thinking about shuting Down PowerRangerPlanet and SuperSentaiPlanet Since Saban and Toei keeps on taking down the links. If that happen our site had a long run."
  • It's not really off topic considering it's sort of about Saban and how he keeps taking stuff offline. I really hope he doesn't cause I really enjoy coming and posting my opinions on power rangers and other topics.
  • You do realize, that PRP could just get rid of the main site and keep the forum, right?
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