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The Biggest, Baddest scene in Power Rangers history



  • Anyway, back to subject. I think one of the biggest, baddest scenes in PR history would be in MMPR season 1. The final battle against Tommy as the evil Green Ranger.
  • edited March 2012
    Eh, I thought that was kinda a let down, even as a kid. I mean, I know it was a kid's show. But, I would've loved to see them still have to go to school with an evil Tommy.
  • They had scenes of were tommy was evil and at the school.
  • Yeah I know, but that was only in like one school day. I would've loved to see it last longer than that. It was pretty much, lifting weights to yell at Kimberly here, and shoot Jason in the back there, and that was it.
  • It would have been interesting to see how Tommy acted around the Teachers when he was evil.
  • He probably would've just put on a show. Kind of like those bullies that mess with you in class and then when the teacher tries to call them out on it, they act all innocent
  • More than likely haha.
  • edited March 2012
    You mean like how Trent was when he was evil White Ranger?
  • Yeah, like that. I mean, I get that they could only work with so much considering the producers didn't know there was a Green Ranger and had to scramble to find someone to play it and to write episodes around it, but in that context, I feel like it could've been done better.
  • How'd they not know there was a green ranger? Did they not watch Zyuranger before they started doing power rangers? lol
  • Good question Dubby
  • It would only make since to watch the counterpart before making the show right?
  • They did watch Zyuranger, but they didn't watch it way in advanced. They only watched it in like 2-3 episodes at a time. They don't watch all of it together. If that was the case, then the cast members would answer, "yes, I've seen all of [insert Sentai here]" when asked that question at cons instead of, "Just a few clips of episodes to get a feel of the character." So, when they were filming and they got to the episodes with the Green Ranger, it came out of nowhere to them.
  • Well then consider me weird, i watch about 2-3 hours at a time XD
  • Yeah, but you don't have to watch it and try to write an episode around the monster at the same time
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