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Most Evil Villain



  • He never scared me, i always thought he was funny. those kid's most have been the wimps. lol
  • No, at that time the older kids were fine with it, but there were the younger kids who were just getting into the show, of course it would scared them.
  • I mean when i was kid, i even thought he was funny. I used to watch Mighty morphin when i was 3.
  • Yeah, and there are 3 year olds who spook easily. So, it's not them being wimps. Its them not being used to seeing things like that because, even at 3, you're sheltered from it
  • I've never been afraid of stuff, I guess you can say i am weird! Lol
  • I've never been afraid of things either. All I'm saying is that more people are spooked easier/more sensitive about stuff like that so calling them wimps is unjustified
  • Okay, you win. lol
  • I've never been of afraid of any of those villains. The 3 year olds would definitely be scared of them, which is why I wonder if the parents of those kids knew about the OFF SWITCH for the TV. I hated Ransik. He had so much evil, he destroyed the Frax we knew and loved and turned him into a mindless slave (which is my #2 reason for hating Ransik. #1 is because he was so evil), he nearly destroyed a Power Ranger, and he hurt his own daughter when she tried to convince him to give up his hatred. I had been hoping that Time Force would destroy him instead of capturing him.
  • Which is why, in my opinion, he's a good villain. He didn't change his evil ways or tone it down (mainly because of the writers and complaints) and I liked it that way. I love to hate villains, and they did a great job with this.
  • Time force Captured him instead of destroying him because he gave up and decided to turn him self in because he knew what he did was wrong.
  • edited March 2012
    We know that Dubby, but fans waited a whole season for him to be defeated and after all the evil he did to people who came near him, I think they would want to see him go "BOOM!". I think this calls for a vid of the scene where we first met him. BTW I'm looking for the scene where Ransik and his gang arrive in 2001 and Nadira interrogates the security guard. Can someone help me find it?
  • I actually kind of figured from the beginning that he would have been captured and not destroyed. Time Force never destroyed any of the villains
  • I agree. I think it would've been kind of like killing in cold blood if they destroyed Ransik.
  • Yeah, time force never destroys mutants, they always capture them and deep freeze them, that's the way it was before the time force team went back in time.
  • SPD did something similar to Time Force's way of defeating a criminal. But instead of deep freezing them, they imprison them in confinement cards.
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