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Power Rangers Super Samurai Gold



  • Antonio needs to go super samurai. normally they dont have a rangers left out of something. only thing i can think of was the green ranger not getting a thunder zord, but he did turn into the white ranger
  • edited June 2012
    @zyusouken Doesn't necessarily matter. Sure, there's only 1 Black Box but them donning the suits does count as a "Super Samurai" mode. However I doubt it's something Saban Brands has to worry about since we likely won't see any of the movie footage.

    @zeoranger6matt indeed he does and it's possible he will but he needs original footage for that to happen. Based on the picture of the Bandai toy, it looks like there's an actual real life suit counterpart for his Super Mega Mode which means he's going to have to go Super Samurai in original footage at some point.
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