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Who Is Your Favorite Ranger Of All Time?



  • Probably? That's most likely it. Around that time, ratings were going down. I mean, it was enough to keep toy sales going, but it was a bad move on Saban's part
  • lol, when I was a kid I didnt really pay much attention to ratings and sales, I just watched the show, but if it was doing that badly then its a good thing they didnt bring in another kid ranger.
  • I didn't pay attention to it either. I mean, I noticed when people stopped talking about it. This is just stuff I learned as I grew older
  • Yh the power ranger buzz did die down for a bit, I remember hearing about the new power ranger buzz again when time force aired.
  • I never got out of the loop. I always liked it and always will
  • I mean I watched it an all, but it was shown at night times cause all the ratings had gone down, and since I was still "young" I wasn't always allowed to stay up and watch it.... now im in the mood to go and rewatch lightspeed... might go do that actually
  • Oh, yeah, I forgot about the different show times. It always showed in the afternoons or mornings here
  • From MMPR to PRLG it did show in the mornings, just before school started, but halfway through lost galaxy it switched to evening slots cause the ratings went down, so being only arounf the age of 8/9 my mum and dad wouldnt let me stay up at 11 o'clock to watch power rangers
  • Up until now with Samurai, and RPM and OO, I liked how they showed it in the morning best and they hadn't really changed it
  • well ever since time force started to air, its shown in the afternoon around 4pm
  • Yh its so the kids dont have to get up super early to watch it then run out the door to make it to school for 8:50.

    that way I get to come home at 4:30 and then watch it on plus. so its win win
  • Yeah, it always showed around 4:30 here, or had new episodes on weekday mornings.

    I also liked Carter too. Some people say he's not a great leader because he doesn't know any martial arts and can only defend himself with a gun (I've heard many people say this about Forever Red.) But, that's the point. He wasn't trained to be a martial artist. He was trained to be a fire fighter
  • edited November 2011
    I gotta say Jason, Tommy, Billy, and Adam because they were considered the best rangers in the series for they're courage, strength, skills, brains, and heart.
  • Nice choices. I at first didn't really like Adam until I watched Zeo for a second time. What he did to help Tanya was awesome
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