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edited August 2012 in General Discussion
can i make my own morpher?


  • ....I don't see why not?....
  • How did Americans replicate the monster costumes used in Japan?
  • Normally they didn't. They'd just have the suits shipped to them to use in American footage.
  • @NightMere10 is correct. @vgiannell5 Most monster suits were shipped from Toei to Saban/Disney. There were however ones that Saban recreated like Saban did with Elgar and Rygog. How they did it is unknown but 20th Century Fox likely has a way to create such stuff and if it wasn't them, it likely would have been Bandai.
  • Does that include Goldar?
  • edited August 2012
    @vgiannell5 Goldar's suit was 1 of the ones shipped from Toei to Saban but along the way they decided to make a new face for him... likely because they were expecting to keep him around in Season 2 and he would be in American footage for a lot of the time and the Toei mouth for him wasn't very good because he wasn't designed for talking.
  • How did they make a suit for Rita's and Goldar's movie counterparts?
  • @vgiannell5 That was likely a case of 20th Century Fox likely making their own stuff since that's a big movie company so they have costume creators for that.
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