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Power Rangers Villains: Who should live and who should be destroyed?

edited April 2012 in General Discussion
Since the very 1st team was created, the Power Rangers have destroyed their enemies, one bad guy at a time. Although evil should be stopped, there have been a few villains I believe did not deserve the fate they received. There have been villains who were destroyed after turning good, and villains that were too evil to be allowed to live, but they did live. Which villains do you think should have lived and which villains should have been destroyed I will ask you about the villains in each season in order.


  • Which villains do you think shouldn't have been destroyed?
  • I don't get it? They're villains, villains who destroy and kill people and or extra terrestrials! there for about 95 percent of villains got what they deserved by the power rangers.
  • I think Dayu and Deker should live. All they ever wanted was to live a normal life. Until Serrator came along and cursed them both.
  • That's true there are some villains that have been cursed but they usually make it out okay, take Merrick the Lunar wolf ranger for example, he was cursed to being Zinnacko(Im not sure how to spell that so i just guessed) but the rangers helped save him and he turned out to be one of the best rangers on the team.
  • I mean, they're not dead and they haven't been destroyed. I guess I just don't really understand the topic
  • Me either, i'm a little confused too
  • edited March 2012
    Ok. Lemme make it clear. There have been villains who were destroyed after turning good, and villains that were too evil to be allowed to live, but they did. For example, Frax, he was bad, he almost turned good in the end, but he was reprogrammed and then destroyed. Did he deserve to die or live? Example 2: Rita and Lord Zedd. They were really evil, but they were turned good by force and allowed the live. Did they deserve to live?
  • Well, I mean, if Zordons' energy wave stripped Zedd and Rita of all of their evil, then yeah. I mean, if there was a chance they could go back, I say destroy them
  • agreed doesn't really make since to let them live after how long they've tried to destroy the earth and various other galaxy's.
  • How about villains like Frax. He tried to take over and rule the world with robots, but he was human before, then he helps Nadira turn good. Should he have been destroyed?
  • well... he was a full robot who was programmed to destroy at the time of him being destroyed so yes, he should have.
  • I meant before the reprogramming
  • How about Ecliptor. He wasn't really that evil, plus he helped the Rangers save Karone from Dark Spector before he was brainwashed. I don't think it was fair for him to be destroyed. He should have been turned human like Rita, Zedd, and Divatox were.
  • You make a very good point, PRT.

    Ecliptor defintiely shouldn't have been destroyed considering he showed goodness in him but since he was a creation and not an actual live being, I suppose Zordon felt he had to be destroyed.

    I do wonder why Zordon's wave destroyed Elgar though. Sure, he was bad but he never had the smarts to do anything. Basically he was like Divatox's Rito, the only difference is he never did anything at all that was worthwhile. Rito at least destroyed the Thunderzords.

    @Dubby, the spelling is Zen-Aku.

    Now back to my response in regards to the topic.

    Frax didn't deserve to die since he was beginning to turn good.
    A good one however is Villamax. All he was interested in was fighting the Rangers. He only died because he refused Trakeena's orders to fire on civilians.
  • edited May 2012
    OK guys, from now on, I will ask about the villains in each season in order.
    MMPR seasons 1-3 (including Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers)
    Cause of Destruction: Rita and Zedd turned to good. The rest were destroyed by Zordon Wave.
    Who should have lived and who should have died?
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