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Any Rangers You Don't Like?

edited November 2011 in General Discussion
Honestly, one of the characters I don't like the most but grew to tolerate is Kat.

She's just too perfect. She can dance, she helps with the community, she trains police dogs and so on. It was only stated in one episode, by Adam, that the only thing he's seen that she couldn't do was make a purse. And that just really bothered me. The only flaw I'd say she has was when she was worried about her weight in Turbo.

Although, I did like how she put her feelings aside to help Tommy move on from Kimberly after he got the letter, but at the end she still gets what she wants. Now, I do know this was all because of the writers, but it just got annoying. Plus, up until Turbo, i felt like she couldn't really do any fighting for herself. She barely even tried before calling for Tommy to help her out.

I'm going to have to think about any others. This was the one that's always fresh in my mind.


  • OMFGHHKP!!! I know exactly how you feel... she did my head in so much I physically wanted to punch her lights out. She was just such a goody two shoes which really pissed me off, she got Kim over her fears of gymnastics by showing her how she got over her fears of the water and diving. Arghhhh!!

    I knwo she was supposed to replace Kimberly, but she could have atleast fought her own like you said. She never took on a fight for herself, she always called on someone else for help, which usually was Tommy. Even kimberly fought using her gymastics to help.

    Another character that I really don't like is Jen from Time Force. I used to like her a lot, but now when I rewatch the series she just annoys me so much and I don't really know why. I guess its cause she takes control over everything.
  • I actually really like Jen. She's a great leader and yes, while she does start out being cold towards Wes, because of Alex and her feelings for him, she always put her team first, but eventually was able to break down and let others help her. She really kept the team together
  • Yh in that sense I guess she is a good character, but I don't know why when ever I see her character on screen I suddenly get very annoyed... its bizarre
  • No, not really. It's just the way you think. Like, I hated Wild Force overall, but I also really hated Taylor despite the fact that she has the same personality as Jen. I think it's just because of her "I know everything" attitude annoys me
  • Yh that does tend to get on my nerves about Jen, but funnily enough I can actually stand taylor... oh well
  • It's just something different about Taylor that I don't like. She did eventually let Cole into the group, but when the Time Force Rangers came was when she really started to turn around. I just wish it happened earlier
  • Hmm I guess in that respect your right, but her attitude to not want anything to change was what i kinda liked about her.
  • yeah, i understand that. I mean, not everyone likes changed, but the way she pulled it off, really just annoyed me
  • lol, I guess everyone receives a character differently.
  • Yeah, it's all a matter of opinion. Everyone's entitled to it. Which is why I hate it when people start arguing over their opinions on characters
  • tell me about it, my best friend always has a go at me for not thinking Tommy and Kimberly were the best characters ever because they were originals and because they were the best couple ever *insert annoying Kimmy fangirl voice*
  • I also don't like Kevin, but it's mainly because of the way Najee DeTiege delivers his lines. I know that he's directed to deliver them with a lot of emphasis and passion behind it, but he just over does it and it's annoying to hear
  • you dont want to get me started on him, I had a half hour rant about how much his character annoys me with the way he speaks, its a soft voice but its all strong with emotion and passion for being a samurai... urghh it irks me soo much
  • No, he doesn't really have a soft voice. But I mean, its like I said on another forum, the acting seems bad because this is their first job, their directed to act this way, and because of the way the lines are written
  • No, he doesn't really have a soft voice. But I mean, its like I said on another forum, the acting seems bad because this is their first job, their directed to act this way, and because of the way the lines are written
    I disagree with it having to do with being their first job. But the second part is completely true. They are supposed to talk very slow and clear, so children are able to understand. As children, we don't really notice it, but as you get older, it's totally noticeable.
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